A Ted Talk on turning Climate Anxiety into Action: from a psychologist

I was wrong. What I originally thought was apathy and/or a lack of knowledge is actually something else…
I recently watched a game changing Ted Talk where I learned from a psychologist, Renée Lertzman, whose background is in environmental studies that what we are feeling isn’t apathy (mind blown) it’s actually us being forced out of our “window of tolerance” causing a “double bind” where we feel so stuck and afraid to change that we are damned if we do and damned if we don’t… heavy! But she offers a compelling third choice that I couldn’t help but share: attunement.
To tune- is to be in sync, understood and accepted, without shame or judgment, with where we are currently.
Attunememt starts from the inside out- by bringing compassion and asking ourselves how am I feeling? To tune into oneself first is critical before we can be creative and resilient and before we can give each other permission to do the same.
Humanizing our own feelings around our eco-anxiety is what it is going to take for us to bring down our walls, step back into our window of tolerance and allow us to be creative problem solvers & resilient climate activists.
So even though we are scared and don’t have all of the answers…
We are here, together.
Take a look at the 14 minute Ted Talk and I hope it brings to you what it did for me; the ability to breath a little easier knowing that there is a path forward and it starts with simply checking in and being real with ourselves.
I’ll go first. I am beyond terrified and overwhelmed by the news, the air quality, the changes in temperature and what they means for not only me but more importantly my kiddos. But I’m also here everyday doing my little part to change my own habits and to make habit alternatives more accessible to our community.
I know you are here for the solution too. We are in this together and I so appreciate Renée for reminding me that simply being here together in tune with ourselves is what it is going to take.
Grace has never been into the status quo, and loves to think outside of the bag. She has a passion for ethical and earth friendly apparel and accessories. And is inspired by minimal living and the organization necessary for living joyfully with less.