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What is a Zero Waste Refill Bar?

Considering ditching single-use plastic or making a habit switch for a cleaner product is so exciting!! And we are so looking forward to meeting you at Fort Collins’ new zero waste shop & refill bar. Here’s a rundown of the things to note before stopping in.

  • Step 1: Bring your own clean & empty reclaimed or repurposed containers.

    Not sure which container is best for certain products? Here’s a list of our favorite reclaimed and repurposed jars, etc:

  • Glass baby food or other smaller jars -> Tooth Powder/ Tooth Tablets

  • Salsa/ peanut butter/ mason jars/ etc -> Laundry Powder/ Dishwashing Powder

  • Fancy Wine/ liquor bottles -> Soaps/ All purpose cleaners/ Shampoos/ Body Wash

  • Fancier wide mouth/ shallower jars -> Creams/ lotions

  • Repurposed spray bottles -> 1-6 oz size great for hydrosols, spray deodorant/ etc

  • Repurposed Pump bottles -> 8 oz ish is great for lotions/ shampoos/ conditioners

Save money and stop the spread of single-use-plastics by bringing your own containers, as you’ll pay only for the amount of product that you need and no packaging!!

*** We do have a few reclaimed and new containers in the shop if you don’t bring your own.

  • Step 2: Drop off your containers, let us know what you’d like, and come back by to pick up the refilled jars. Or you can shop around while we fill them right there.

  • Step 3: Bring your plastic free products home and use the product right out of the container or, if preferred, transfer to another one for daily use.

  • Step 4: Come back in and refill any time. And don’t forget to ask us about the loyalty program for repeat refillers!!